December 4, 2022
Youtube update – Ad server with concurrent views
Mr. Engage
December 4, 2022
7:17 am
The last month was hard for the live-stream service. Many orders still need to be completed due to server overload. We tried our best to improve the service by reducing the max quantities. However, some of the orders did not process due to many orders.
So as of today, our Live Stream Server v3.0 Ads offers a feature with concurrent views, and the server start time is instant. In addition, all views ordered through the Ad server Youtube will register views.
Please check out the following services, and use our coupon code for the same service until the end of the week and save on orders:Â ad-stream
Youtube Live-Stream v3.0 Ads Instant start Minimum order quantity 250 Maximum order quantity 100k *Concurrent Viewers feature | Youtube Live-Stream v2.0 Start 5 – 10 minutes Minimum order quantity 100 Maximum order quantity 200 *Concurrent Viewers feature |