Terms of Service

1) These terms of use are formulated in the masculine for convenience only, but they refer to, both men and women.

2) The use of services provided by ”Social-Infinity“ establishes an agreement to these terms.

3) By registering or using our services you agree that you have read and fully understood the following terms of service and Social-Infinity will not be held liable for loss in any way for users who have not read the below Terms of use. By acquiring services on our site, indicative of the acceptance of this agreement and its terms.

4) When an order is running ( still not Completed ) in Social-Infinity for the same link you can’t order for this similar service to our site again or you can’t order it somewhere else or you can’t continue promote this link in your way If face problem for this not possible any refund.

5) Access to and use of the services of Social-Infinity, you agree to all terms and conditions set forth in this terms of use agreement.

6) The uses on the site and the services it offers to be over 18 years old or corporation and/or an authorized dealer lawfully registered, the user must have a credit card and a MasterCard or Visa is valid or an account with PayPal, issued by one of the credit cards, the user must have an email on the Internet.

7) Orders might get stuck if you use the same link and a service while the previous one is still being Active/Processing/Pending/In progress. Orders will get stuck and probably only one will be delivered or none, if this occurs we are not obligated to issue a refund. Same rule occurs if you purchase the same service for the same post from other provider while ours is being active.

8) The use of the website, content, and services it offers are offered for use in accordance with the decision of the Social-Infinity and shall have no claim or demand against Social-Infinity in respect of the content and services offered on the website, use, therefore, content and services above will be performed and exclusively your responsibility the full and do not do including any commercial use without the express written permission of Social-Infinity.

A) Customers who use our Site agree to follow all amendments and subject to the terms of use and agreement of the current version of version 2020 of the Agreement in use specified below.

A1) The content of the site and the services of the site are subject to Social-Infinity.com

A2) Social-Infinity may close the site and change, from time to time, the structure, appearance, and availability of services and content provided in it, without having to notify you in advance and you shall have no claim or demand against Social-Infinity in this regard.

B) Social-Infinity is not responsible for any restriction, obstruction warning alarm, or damage of any kind imposed on the client or any other person on the other party or its customers due to the acquisition of social media services on our website.

Also, Social-Infinity is not responsible for the removal or removal of a search results page in search engines or any other type of damage caused by our service.

B1) Social-Infinity undertakes no obligation to refund the side B (client) when one of the services that include third party (likes, followers, views, ratings, join the group, joined the event, friend requests, dislikes, shares) decided that it lower/ deletes /do not want to see your advertising.

B2) Social-Infinity does not guarantee that the services offered on the site will not be disrupted without malfunction and/or immune to illegal access Social-Infinity, damages, malfunctions, failures in hardware, software or communications lines, Social-Infinity or any of its suppliers and Social-Infinity will not be liable for any direct or indirect or grief and so that you or your property due to the use and/or reliance on the content and services offered on the site.

C) You are aware that the services offered on the site depend on and are subject to the policy, as well as the acts and omissions of third parties, including global Google, YouTube.

Therefore, Social-Infinity will not be held responsible for any consequence and/or damage and/or loss caused to you and/or anyone on your behalf as a result of action or inaction of such third parties and does not guarantee that the service purchased would achieve the same request to receive.

D) Social-Infinity undertakes no obligation to return the payment or make a canceling a transaction or make a refund to the customer if the customer service was only partly to circumstances beyond the responsibility or control of Social-Infinity and preventing the possibility of complete services, such as changing policies, products, services, and restrictions on certain social media different.

E) When a customer places an order and payment to one of the services on our site that Social-Infinity declares that he is interested in acquired and knowing that the purchase committed is final and can not be canceled or returned after purchase even if the customer elected not to use the service and promotion carried out by invitation.

E1) Social-Infinity may refuse, for whatever reason, to approve the acquisition of services and may stop at any stage of the provision of the service ordering and it turns out that the service commissioned promotes a purpose that is unlawful, violates the rights of third parties, and/or in violation of any law and/or terms of use of any third party, if the service was discontinued in these circumstances and/or in other circumstances which are not under the control of Social-Infinity, you will not be refunded your money.

F) Customer warrants that form of payment he will buy our services (for example credit card, PayPal, etc.) used to make the purchase on the site are owned and individual consent only.

F1) If the customer used to buy services visa credit card, PayPal account, etc. it is not his (stolen or compromised) Social-Infinity is not obligated to refund the stolen account/outbreak if the service was provided, if found out, we will block the user permanently.

G) We are committed to maintaining confidentiality and privacy of our customers and undertake not to transfer to any third party, customer information or details on purchasing his service on our website, we take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information, personal information will use only to fulfill your order, we will not sell or distribute your information to anyone, all information is encrypted and stored on secure servers.

H) Social-Infinity has the right to make changes to the agreement terms and conditions at any time.

H1) Social-Infinity does not warrant that any links on the Site properly and lead to an active website, the presence of a link to a site is not an indication that the linked site is reliable, complete, or current, and Social-Infinity shall have no liability in connection therewith, attention Social-Infinity reserves the right to change, at its discretion, and without the prior consent of the user, the terms of use, the provisions of these regulations apply to any use or purchase made by you on the site and will constitute the legal basis for any discussion between you and Social-Infinity.

I) The user enters the required details online registration form designated for this purpose.

I1) The user’s information, submitting false personal details in this regard, including in relation to means of payment, constitutes a criminal offense as stated in the penal code, “(“Službeni glasnik Bosne i Hercegovine”, br. 3/2003, 32/2003 – ispravka 37/2003, 54/2004, 61/2004, 30/2005, 53/2006, 55/2006, 8/2010, 47/2014, 22/2015, 40/2015, 35/2018 i 46/21 od 27.7.2021. Član. 186″ , and is absolutely prohibited.

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